Retro Frenzy




My my my. Where has my summer gone? It only seems like yesterday when I was posting about finishing finals. I think it’s an unfair trick of nature where summer seems to speed by. But then, once school starts, that stupid clock in your math class drags on foreverrrrr. Tick tock tick tock.

I don’t normally wear this dress due to it’s lightweight material. But I kind of put together this outfit in a little frenzy today. I can totally tell it’s going this dress-boot combo is going to be worn a lot this year. It’s funny how some of the best outfits are the ones that are thrown together with little thought.

Hugs & Kisses,



Tie Into Spring


Looking outside, you would not believe that Spring is two days away. It actually looks a bit like January from the snowfall we got last night. But, thank goodness it’s March 19th and not January 19th. I’m so sick of my winter clothes. I just took out my spring/summer clothes and I can’t wait to wear them! I guess, I just took them about a bit too early? Anyway, I was feeling a little retro today so I did the ‘ol tie your shirt trick. This trick seems to do wonders for your waist so I totally reccommend it!



Hugs & Kisses,

Outfit Details:

Shirt: Charlotte Russe

Skirt: France

Boots: Khols